Robotic Muscle Therapy is a technology created using the RX2600 Robot. It was developed with the concept of deeply relaxing muscles to alleviate the pressure that contracted muscles exert on bones and joints.
Tight muscles can actually pull bones out of proper alignment. As muscles are relaxed using the gentle pressure of the robotic arm, the muscle tissue releases contraction, allowing the fibers to lengthen back to their natural state. Using this static pressure in combination with vibration, this technology deeply relaxes the muscle tissue, causing tension to be released and allowing the muscle tissue to regain flexibility.
As this pressure causes the muscles to release tension, the fibers can lengthen back to their original state in a way that nothing else can achieve. As this happens, not only is range of motion restored, but pressure on bones, joints, and nerves is also relieved. As muscles lengthen to their proper state and bones align, posture improves, and pain is relieved.
What is Robotic Muscle Therapy?
This innovative technology succeeds where other therapies have failed. Based in Naples, SWFL, this therapy offers solutions for pain. It relieves muscle tension and improves circulation, thereby easing muscular aches and pains. This process relaxes muscles in a way that no other therapy can. As the muscles relax under sustained pressure, they actually lengthen back to their original state. No other therapy is capable of lengthening the large muscles of the body, making this technology truly innovative.
What we Do
Many of our clients have been seeking relief for months or even years before coming to us. They've tried medication, exercise, injections, massage, and surgery, or have resigned themselves to living a life ruled by pain and discomfort. Injury, stress, and even everyday activities like sitting and driving can cause muscles to shorten and become imbalanced. Shortened muscles turn tight and inflexible, leading to pressure and pain. Robotic Muscle Therapy helps to correct these imbalances, resulting in reduced pain and greater mobility.
What to Expect
During your initial session, we will review your history and take some readings of your general biomechanics, testing which muscles are inhibiting movement.
We then use the therapeutic robot to administer gentle pressure at intervals to a specific area of a muscle. This relaxes and lengthens the muscle fibers. As the muscle tissue softens and returns to a more natural state, this results in reduced pain and greater mobility.
Free In-Person Consultation
We understand that it’s hard to know from a website if a therapy would be right for you.
We also know that many people are skeptical about therapies that are new to them. That’s why we invite you to schedule a no-cost pain relief consultation.
You can find out if Robotic Muscular Therapy might benefit you. And, if we think that our therapy won’t help you, we’ll tell you that too.
You have nothing to lose – except your pain.